The L.O.V.E Album (From the mind of an Instrumentalist)
Written by Tyrone Richardson on March 21, 2022

April 6th, 2022,
From the mind of an Instrumentalist T.Y. DaRhyma
Our Lust to indulge in emotional decisions that alter our course in life, our Obsession with
consuming things by others who created the need in us to consume, our temperament for
Violence, and our frustrations of Envy.
From the mind of an instrumentalist T.Y. DaRhyma releases the L.O.V.E album, the title speaks
on the mind state of the people in society that are struggling with life. Music has a way of
creating or bringing forth positive energy, vibrations, and thought. This artistic mind magician
(T.Y. Da Rhyma) drops twelve tracks packed with chords, progressions, sine waves, smooth
drums, much more. From the precursor the Zodiac Album the L.O.V.E Album has classic written
all over it. (Plus, Bonus Tracks)